Seeing goodness
Seeing goodness
Time to re-claim your goodness and honour your personal truth.
The Virgo new moon on 7th September encourages us to practically manifest to bring order from the chaos that we find ourselves living within. As Pam Gregory explained the 3D world remains bumpy and volatile – so it was no surprise when the guidance from the Creation Fertility Oracle cards offered us such sensible support.
If you are not already a member of my FREE zoom group "hormone inspiration" I recommend you join us. We meet monthly around the new moon and spend time discussing the guidance in greater depth than I can present within this short article.
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This month I began the guidance by connecting with Mother Mary. One of the 13 goddess/moon energies from the oracle cards. I then pulled a Spagyric plant remedy – it’s number 24; Euphrasia and finally I pulled card 39 from the pack – goodness within. Overall, the guidance is simply to "see goodness, both inside and out".
This supports hormone balance by
- reducing fear
- building self esteem
- reducing and calming the central nervous system
- reducing cortisol and histamine production
- encouraging deep breathing which supports the vagus nerve
- helps you see the bigger picture
- connect with "pure consciousness and unconditional love"
Seeing goodness with Mother Mary – Radiant Goddess
Let us begin by simply “tuning” in to the energy of Mother Mary, the Divine Mother. She is one of the Creation Fertility Goddesses who exist in the subtle realms. By connecting with her energy we can ask for support (which is, in truth, purely an aspect of ourselves).
So today I am introducing you to the Divine Mother aka Mother Mary. Mother Mary has been coming forward to support endocrine and reproductive wellbeing through me for some years now – more so since I trained as a “Priestess of Avalon” in Goddess energy.
To help appreciate the Divine Mother’s energy I thought I would explain the symbolism of Sam Foreman’s beautiful painting to you first. (By the way prints are available in greeting card form for £7 and a larger print form for £30 or £40 when mounted. You can buy them from my website
Mary Mary from the Creation Fertility guid
Mother Mary is associated with 9 of the 42 Creation oracle cards, “Starry silence, love, trust, faith, New moon, gratitude, moonstone, Creation Essence and the mantra Sa Ta Na Ma“. She also carries her energy into Creation Essence, my hormone balancing aromatherapy blend through the essential oil Rose.
Sam Foreman, my talented Creation Fertility spiritual artist told me “ it was a pure joy painting Mother Mary. She gifted me with feeling of peace, serenity and unconditional love and she still does when I look at her”. I so agree. She holds this energy within my clinic room and I have her card on my altar.
Symbolism associated with Divine Mother/Mother Mary include white lilies and pink roses, the number 9, a crescent moon, the colours blue, white & pink, the fleur-de-lis, a crown. The energy of motherhood, re-birth, gratitude, joy, unconditional and eternal love, hope, faith, compassion, purity & wisdom.
White lilies represent purity, compassion, tranquillity and humility. The scent of the lily represents Mary’s divinity. By the way, the fleur–de-lis is the portrayal of the lily – the 3 petals depict trinity, hope, faith and charity. In Greek mythology the lily represents motherhood and rebirth.
Sam placed a crown of roses on her head to represent love, honour, faith, wisdom and devotion. Wearing a crown of roses represents heavenly joy. The pink rose heart centre represents unconditional love and the pink rose signifies gratitude, grace and joy whilst the 9 roses in the painting represent eternal love.
The 9 stars symbolise the 9 “Mother/Fertility Goddesses associated with Creation oracle cards who interconnect and form of sacred circle of Energy. (Taweret, Divine Mother, Shakti Energy, Lakshmi, Durga, Brigid, Gaia Water, Mother Earth). In addition we have Solar and the 4 aspects of Moon energy (i.e. yin/yang and the cycle of life)
Mary wears the blue crescent moon of a “Priestess” on her forehead. It has been discovered that Mary was in fact a Priestess who trained in the temple of Solomon where she learned the mysteries of the Divine Feminine.
The blue of her robes represent trust, loyalty, wisdom and faith – the traditional colours of an initiated Priestess.
Now we have connected with Mary the goodness within card seems so appropriate. More about this later.
Seeing goodness using Euphrasia
Euphrasia is also known as eyebright and means cheerfulness, wellbeing and is a symbol of joy
It is found throughout Central Europe, on meadows and slopes, moors and woods. Eyebright is actually a parasitic plant, like mistletoe. It’s root suckers connect with grass roots to tap the sap flow. Its flower is stunning – small white flowers sit with dark purple veins at the end of the tiny branches and have a yellow spot on the lower lip. Eyebright flourishes from June to October (July within the UK) which is why Culpepper associated eyebright with the Lion (Leo) and Sol (Sun energy).
Action on the body*:
Anti-inflammatory , contains phytonutrients, vitamin A and vitamin C, the minerals; zinc, copper and selenium, antibiotic properties including quercetin, flavonoids, tannins which all naturally soothe and offer a gentle analgesic.
Supports all problems relating to the eyes – including conjunctivitis, allergies/hayfever, blepharitis, tired eyes etc.
Supports the hormonal system – menstruation disorders, pain, irregular periods, prostatitis and also absence periods. From research it seems there is little evidence of this but I am assuming it's to do with its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Strengthens the central nervous system
Supports migraines and eye related headaches
Believed to support memory
Also great for coughs and colds, breathlessness and sneezing
Research also indicates it can support ultra-violet ageing of the skin.
Homeopathically a person may present as anxious, confused, angry and basically not keen on “idle conversation”. they tend to be worse for: sunlight, wind, warmth, evening, being indoors, getting out of bed in the morning but paradoxically also worse for being in bed and they may not like touch. They are better for being outdoors, winking, wiping your eyes, being in darkness and lying down.
Spagyric medicine also considers the energetic healing properties of plants. In this case euphrasia helps:
Opens your eyes to see, recognise and understand TRUTH
Connect with pure consciousness, see with the eyes of the soul and see with LOVE
Helps develop intuition and open the third eye
Now I have introduced you to Euphrasia and Mother Mary here is the practical guidance to see goodness during this moon cycle
Choose the guidance which resonates with you best. Then follow that guidance throughout this moon cycle
- Connect with Mother Mary - focusing on compassion, unconditional love, gratitude, joy, unconditional and eternal love, hope, faith, compassion, wisdom, humility, trust, loyalty. Here is a meditation I have recorded for you. It takes about 30 minutes so please prepare yourself beforehand.
2. Use the smile within visualisation daily. This connects you to the card 39 - goodness within and helps you specifically work on yourself. You can take this one step further by focusing on one of the attributes of Mother Mary whilst smiling within. (approximately 20 minutes)
3. Consider the use of eyebright (I have offered you some eyewash recipes below) or to order any one of the energetic Spagyric remedies recommended to support your wellbeing.
Spagyric remedies: (£30 for 100ml plus p&p)
Pes – new plan of consciousness ( May apple, eyebright, goldenrod)
Vie – open intuition (mistletoe, iris and eyebright)
Vie. 2 – joy in life (valerian, iris and eyebright)
VIEW – see life from a wider perspective (mistletoe, iris, eyebright and viola)
YAHVE – to regain your lost confidence and find faith in yourself oncemore (yohimbe, lady’s mantle, st john wort, mistletoe, eyebright)
4. Fill your home with roses and lilies this moon cycle!
5. Enjoy one of these yin yoga practices throughout the month
Eyebright eyewashes:
Basic eyewash - blanch 2 teaspoons eyebright with ¼ litre boiling water and leave for 3 minutes. Add 1 pinch of sea salt to support salinity of tear fluid. Cool, then pour through a paper filter, such as coffee filter paper before treating the eyes.
For styes: mix the above mixture with chamomile as use as a warm compress.
Eyewash 2. 1 tsp of herbal mixture consisting of eyebright, fennel (in a mortar freshly crushed) and chamomile in equal parts blanched with boiling water then brewed for 3 minutes. Add 1 pinch of sea salt. Pour through a coffee filter paper. The still lukewarm liquid is poured into a eye bath and used. Bathe the opened eyes in the morning and evening for 2-3 minutes.
using euphrasia for your eyes
Eye washing - soak a cotton pad in freshly prepared, body-warm eyewash tea. Wipe the edges of the lids from the outside inwards in one process. Dispose of cotton ball and use a new one. Repeat 3 – 4 times a day. Hygiene is very important so remember to wash your hands with soap between the eye washings and use new cotton pads every single time and for each eye.
Eye compress - soak cotton pads in freshly prepared, body-warm tea preparation and place on the eyes. Put a cloth over the eyes to keep them warm. After 20 minutes, remove the cotton pads. Have a rest for 20 minutes.
Footbath – yes, I know this sounds the opposite but your eyes are reflected in the toes. So, using reflexology principles add any of the above eyebright mixtures to a warm foot bath with 250 grams of dead sea salts and soak feet for 20 minutes in the evening.
Eye bath – Instructions - clean eye lashes and eyelids thoroughly. Fill the eye tub and then press it on the eye that no water can leak. Put the head slightly back so that the eye is covered by the liquid. Blink several times, so that the eye is well moistened.
More ideas to support your hormone health:
On line Hormone MOT & Lifestyle Consultation
Justine Evans ND – Hormone Alchemist is the founder of Creation Fertility and its products. Justine offers a multi dimensional approach to women’s health blending Nutritional Therapy with alchemy and yogic philosophy. Call 07747 133170 to book an appointment with her now.
Disclaimer: This article has been written for inspiration and educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease and does not replace personalised evaluation, diagnosis or treatment by your personal health care professional. The applications stated do not replace professional consultation of a doctor. You should ensure any plant used is safe to ingest and use before making.
*The safety of eyebright has not been confirmed for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding. According to a 2012 review, eyebright leaves can increase insulin production. People on blood sugar medication should be careful using eyebright.
Dr James Naidu – Spagyric medicine notes
Culpeppers Complete herbal – page 56
Patel D, Prasad S, Kumar R, Hemalatha S. An overview on antidiabetic medicinal plants having insulin mimetic property. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2012;2(4):320-330. doi:10.1016/s2221-1691(12)60032-x.
Ying et al, Protective Effects of Euphrasia officinalis Extract against Ultraviolet B-Induced Photoaging in Normal Human Dermal Fibroblasts. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Nov; 19(11): 3327, Published online 2018 Oct 25. doi: 10.3390/ijms19113327