
Spagyric essences  are a unique and harmonious blend of  “plant medicine ” which combines  herbology, homeopathy, aromatherapy and mineral therapy. This ancient but ever evolving natural healing  system  compliments all  forms of medicine and  remain completely non-toxic! – even safe for children and during pregnancy.

Spagyric medicine is based on a holistic healing system which takes into account many traditions including The Four Elements, Fire, Air, Water and Earth, the dual principle of Male/Female, Light and Darkness  and considers the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of health.

Spagyric essences can be used within creams, as aura sprays or via a tincture. Dosages are generally 20 drops three times per day for a set period of time ( I tend to recommend 60 drops in a litre of water and drunk throughout the day).  It is possible to use them as room sprays or add to the bath or topically.  We even have a candle which includes spagyric remedies. Whilst there are many  pre-blended essences I am able to personalise essences using  your numerology and your name. Bespoke personalised essences need to be assessed face to face, pre-blended essences can be assessed via phone or on line. I have been working with Spagyrics since 2009 and have developed my own range of fertility support using them.

Spagyric energy essences work particularly well when there is an "unconscious element" to your health or emotion.  They work particularly well when combined with Nutritional Therapy and Reiki. 

During 2021 we a focusing on plant medicine including Spagyric plants each month within hormone inspiration.  You can join my group for FREE here or read my news articles each month.

How Are Spagyric Essences Produced?

Each essence is prepared alchemically in licensed laboratories in Germany and Switzerland. The preparation process utilises the elements and energy of the plant including mineral salts & trace elements, water and essential oils. These are produced in a tiny amount of alcohol, similar to Bach flower remedies and homeopathic tinctures. There are many different brands of Spagyrics and there can be more than ten distinct ways of making them – all with different philosophies. I study the Phylak-Spagyrics essences which are made at PHYLAK laboratories (method of Dr Zimpel) in Germany and Switzerland. For more information see More information can also be seen here: Spagyric medicine – safety



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  3. Hormone positive | Justine Evans ND | Twickenham on February 9, 2022 at 10:42 am

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