Introducing 13 Moons Wellness Programme

Ready for a year of intuitive living?

I am so excited to introduce The 13 Moons Wellness Programme.  This is a  seasonal health mentorship programme and is absolutely jammed packed with life-changing value. Featuring a year of intuitive living, encompassing  the seasons, nutritional medicine, naturopathy and Western science, led by Justine Evans ND, BSc Nut.Med. Allow me to explain a little more...


It is time to dive deep, reconnect, explore, educate and flow with the seasons

We have detached from Mother Gaia, the elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air),  our connection to food, plants for their health benefits, and our internal and external seasons. Each week in my clinical practice I am noticing this more and more.  We simply trundle off to the supermarket or restaurant to buy foods dependant on our wants rather than needs. We use medicines and supplements to regulate deficiencies or health concerns, go to the gym for exercise rather than connecting with the elements and have no idea about energetic cyclic shifts - such as equinoxes, solstices or  how the moon influences us emotionally and physically. We have detached ourselves from our internal and external cycles.  It appears that we are seeing ourselves more as machines than living organisms and have forgotten the importance of traditional medicine and self -care.  This is why I have created the 13 Moons Wellness Programme: to help you address this "lack" and take charge of your health.  It is time to DIVE DEEP, RE-CONNECT, EXPLORE, SELF-NURTURE; EDUCATE , EXPERIENCE AND FLOW WITH THE SEASONS. 

What you can expect when you join the 13 Moons Wellness programme, beginning November  2024!

The 13 Moons Wellness Programme integrates Western science with traditional wisdom.  It is both digital and in person and absolutely jammed packed with incredibly value.

The 13 Moons Wellness Programme includes ALL of this:

  • A year of mentorship - how to live and eat the  seasons  
  • 2 in person  practical workshops (Stroud)
  • Four seasonal online cleanses which include zoom group interaction
  • Four hair analysis screenings (one with each season)
  • Four Wisewoman boxes delivered to your door
  • Plant medicine - learn how to make your own plant based natural health toolkit
  • Learn about moon energy; how the moon influences us and  how we naturally ebb and flow with her 
  • Your own personal numerology reading
  • Your own wheel of the year tarot reading
  • 1 x Lifecode GX nutrigenomics DNA test with it's interpretation
  • AND a personalised nutritional consultation and programme

The Complete 3 Moons Wellness Programme: Nutritional Therapy

Fundamentally Mother Gaia provides foods with each season to support our health and wellbeing.  Over the 13 moons I will be introducing you to

Seasonal foods  - I shall explain why Mother Gaia provides them, how they influence your  health and organs, how and why to include them and maintain your health.  Of course I shall also be offering seasonal recipes  each quarter.

4 seasonal cleanses  - throughout the 13 moons wellness programme I shall be incorporating my seasonal cleanses which focus on specific organs to maintain your health.  The 1st cleanse is for 7 days during  January 2025 and then each cleanse flows with the shifts in season  - the Spring equinox,  the summer solstice and finally around the Autumn equinox.  Each of my cleanses comes with online zoom circles, hair analysis, recipes and  wisewoman boxes full of seasonal loveliness!  More about these can be found with my news pages.

Botanical Plant Magic - over the 13 Moons Wellness Programme you shall be introduced to intuitive herbalism - using plants for their nutritional wisdom, healing, home remedies and uses. I've explained more about this here


13 Moons Wellness Programme: Naturopathy

We begin the 13 moons wellness programme with Wintering and Emerging

The Five Elements - Naturally we connect with the elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Each season connects with an element and I shall be introducing this concept to you using nutritional therapy and naturopathic techniques which you may consider "traditional wisdom or Eastern philosophy".  During the in-person workshops here in Stroud we shall be focusing on practices connected with the Elements including how to make and use compresses, thermotherapy, mindful breathing and relaxation, plant tinctures, balms and so much more.  The fifth element is "Ether" sometimes called spiritual, cosmos or interconnectedness. We shall be covering this too!

The Moon  - our bodies are around 70% water.  The  moon influences water, breeding, menstruation, birthing and death.  She not only influences us but also bacteria/crustaceans/pollination/birds/seasonal changes/the tides/our micro and macro environment/biorhythms/sleep and energy.   I shall be sharing this understanding with you using  science, rituals & moon medicine!

Numerology:  Over the 13 Moons Wellness Programme I shall be offering your own personal numerology. For those of you who have not come across this technique before it is an ancient science  founded on the concept that all living things have qualities based on their number vibration. Essentially, through working with your birth name and date of birth  your life lessons and life purpose can be identified.  We all carry our own unique life story!


Enroll for November 2024! 

13 Moons Wellness Programme: Science

I trust you are beginning to be getting excited!  As explained before I am integrating western science within this programme! Within each season I shall be including some scientific analysis - all included within the price.  This includes

Hair analysis using biofeedback

Winter:  Digestive and metabolic screening

Spring: Hormones and emotional screening

Summer: Environmental sensitivities

Autumn: Nutrient deficiencies and food sensitivities.

In addition I am offering Lifecode GX  Nutrigenetics testing.  This fundamentally is DNA testing and completes my 13 Moons Wellness Programme.  DNA sequencing has opened the door to personalised approaches to health and fitness.  I have found this form of functional medicine so useful within my clinical practice and use it regularly.   To complete this amazing 13 Moons Wellness Programme you will be invited to choose 1 TEST (there are  5 to choose from) to have analysed.  I shall provide you with it's interpretation and also provide a personalised nutrition programme based on your results.  Nutritional genetic testing simply tells you what your body pathways are brilliant at and what they would like a little bit of support doing!

Enroll now 

The Complete 13 Moons Wellness Programme Payment Terms

An initial payment of £500 is required with

9 additional monthly consecutive payments of £100.

Justine Evans ND is a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Naturopath.  Read more about her here


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