
Autumn Intentions

Original price was: £120.00.Current price is: £100.00.

Autumn Intentions

Justine and Arya invite you to their seasonal collaboration.

Set your Autumn Intentions with Justine and Arya

Receive seasonal guidance to clarify your way forward with Justine Evans and Arya Ingvorsen. Set intentions for growth, embrace Autumn opportunities, release old energies, transmute and transform with 2 WiseWomen here to raise your vibration and help you reach your potential.

This wonderful  guided healing collaboration is online.  It takes  approximately 1 hour (give or take 10 mins) and is a journey to embrace autumn opportunities,  set intentions for growth, and release old energies.
What to expect from us:
A tarot card reading with Justine for some herbal guidance to clarify what changes could be made to your life during this season and prepare for winter
Journeying with Arya to release old patterns/embrace new growth – transmute and transform.
Once you have signed up Justine will contact you via email to arrange your session.
It’s a good idea to put some thought into the coming season and winter before your session – is there anything you would like to focus  on releasing /embracing/transmute or transforming?
Justine Evans:  Hormone Alchemist, Registered Naturopath and Traditional WiseWoman
Arya Ingvorsen: Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past Life Therapist and Wise Women.
WiseWoman definition: also known as a Seer, Oracle, Wiseone, Earth keeper, Birthkeeper, Wisdom Keeper the Wisewoman  carries traditional knowledge in matters such as  the Way of Wyrd, herbal  and plant healing,  oracles, magic and traditional lore. She is characterised by learned wisdom, marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and sound judgment. She honours natural cycles – light and dark. The WiseWomen ebbs and flows with seasonal energy carrying ancient knowledge passed from generations before. 
Testimonial from a previous client “I wanted to say just how useful, and calming I found this session. Firstly,  Justine and Arya put me completely at ease before the session started, they were both very warm and welcoming. Justine’s reading was very much on point and helpful. Arya’s guided meditation incorporated points raised in the reading and was very relaxing while helping enforce the messages received from the reading. I found both extremely useful in confirming that I was on the right path and giving me pointers for plotting my way forward – LO, Oct2023.


Autumn Intentions

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to ” Autumn Intentions”.  For the Autumn season I have collaborated with the wonderful Arya Ingvorsen my friend, fellow WiseWoman and SoulSister.

Set your Autumn Intentions with Justine and Arya

Together we invite you to a seasonal collaboration with a one hour session identifying your personal opportunities for energetic growth, transformation and wellbeing this Autumn.  Together, we help you identify your Autumn Intentions, offering gentle guidance as to how to move forward and  direction to help you embrace these special Autumn energies for personal growth and re-alignment”.

I open your  on-line Autumn intentions session with an oracle and tarot card reading, bringing herbal wisdom and guidance from Spirit to clarify your pathway forwards. Once completed Arya  continues exploring any opportunities identified by the tarot reading with a guided, healing meditation journey. This will help you  embrace and integrate  Autumnal energies, leaving you with a sense of  direction, alignment and wellbeing.  I may also recommend specific herb remedies or talisman support for your wellbeing.
Testimonial from a recent client “I wanted to say just how useful, and calming I found this session. Firstly,  Justine and Arya put me completely at ease before the session started, they were both very warm and welcoming. Justine’s reading was very much on point and helpful. Arya’s guided meditation incorporated points raised in the reading and was very relaxing while helping enforce the messages received from the reading. I found both extremely useful in confirming that I was on the right path and giving me pointers for plotting my way forward” – LO, Oct2023.
autumn intentions with Justine and Arya Justine Evans – Hormone Alchemist, Registered Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist, Energy Healer, Reiki Master and Tarot reader
Arya Ingvorsen  – Reiki Healer,  Shamanic practitioner & Clinical hypnotherapist, she reads the Tarot too. Not only have we known each other a long time and attended many trainings together but we  have both been professional therapists for many years. We  also both teach and facilitate Energy, Reiki and Tarot workshops here in the UK.  Justine is based in Stroud, Gloucestershire and Twickenham, Greater London.  Arya is based in Haslemere, Surrey.
Autumn Intentions is available on a Wednesday and Thursday throughout October and November.  Sign up NOW!


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