Enroll for 13 Moons Wellness Programme


Enroll now for my 13 Moons Wellness Programme with Justine Evans ND.

Enjoy of year of living seasonally with my guidance and support.

£500 deposit plus 4 additional payments of £225  (full payment is £1400)

For more information on payment plan  email  contact@justineevans.co.uk.

Full monthly itinerary provided once you have signed up!


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Enroll for 13 Moons Wellness Programme. Begins January 2025

A year of  regenerating seasonal living with Justine Evans ND

Sign up now !  Throughout the 13 moons wellness programme  you will receive:

Monthly guidance and support from me, Justine Evans ND, Registered Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist (BSC Nut.Med) and Seasonal Wellbeing Expert.

Nutritional Therapy – walk with me through the 13 moons and 4 seasons. Link with the elements, fire, earth, air and water.

4 seasonal cleanses  (January, March, June and around  September for the Autumn Equinox) to support organ health associated with each season. With each cleanse you receive a beautiful wisewoman box, hair analysis (4 x hair analysis covering in total food sensitivities and nutrient depletions, digestive/metabolic screening, environmental sensitivities, hormones and emotional wellbeing).  Zoom groups with each cleanse plus recipes, shopping list and so much more

Appreciate the importance of eating seasonally and learn how and why Mother Gaia provides the correct foods, bacteria, prebiotics and nutrients over 13 moons to support your wellbeing.  Recognise how she naturally cleanses and supports us physically from the inside out.

Nutrigenetics testing – Functional medicine at its best.  This provides the blueprint of your DNA and identifies the nutrients you need to support your wellbeing.  I  include a full interpretation and a personalised diet and lifestyle programme for you too!


Appreciating moon and sun energy  – how they influence you and how you can link with them for energy, insights and manifestation.

2 in person workshops (Stroud) covering naturopathic techniques to support your wellbeing, plant remedies and how to make your own healing compresses, tinctures, balms.  Learn traditional naturopathic techniques to support your daily health.  Enjoy yogic breathing, relaxing yoga nidra, seasonal rituals and other wellbeing exercises. Learn more about the 4 elements and how they link with the seasons.  (April 2025, September 2025)

Receive monthly exclusive emails filled with the mentorship programmes plant allies together with how to use them.  I also include moon rituals and traditional naturopathic techniques connecting with the 5 Elements to support your health plus seasonal emails full of recipes and inspiration.


Receive your own numerology reading based on your date of birth and birth name to identify your life path and purpose.


£500 deposit plus  4 additional payments of £225 

Full itinerary available once you have signed up! Dates of workshops to be confirmed. More information at Introducing 13 Moons Wellness Programme

Justine Evans ND, Bsc Nut Med, Seasonal Wellbeing Expert and Hormone Alchemist is an experienced clinician and healer.  For more information about me you can look  here






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