It’s alchemy season
It’s alchemy season! During late Autumn the evenings draw in whilst winter offers an opportunity for gentle nurturing, a time for reflection and a space to be. Since everything is a reflection of our minds this season my special offer helps you connect with alchemy, moon energy, follow the seasons cycle of “letting go”, connect with goddess energy and see the way forward with clarity. Trust in guidance and change!
Relax and surrender to alchemy. Enjoy a full “Reiki” treatment, then trust Justine’s intuitive insights and guidance (using divination tools including angel cards) open up to new ways of thinking and being and help you identify areas in your life that are ready for transformation.
Invest in yourself. 2 hours £75.00
Here is some feedback I have already received
“Thank you so much, that was amazing and so worthwhile” LA – October 2017
“Thank you for an amazing afternoon or cards and healing” – LC, November 2017
“I was meant to do this – it explains so much” CS, November 2017
Time to whisper and to listen. Time to soak your heart’s intentions. Bellow deep in the dark’s delight buzzing soft your own invention ~ Nancy Blair