The importance of relaxation
The importance of relaxation
Before I share a beautiful peace meditation (about 12 minutes long) and heart opening yoga practice (25 minutes) with you I ask you to reflect on these questions – What does relaxing mean to you? Is it a privilege or an essential? How balanced do you feel at this time emotionally and physically?
The importance of relaxation
Here is a beautiful peace meditation for you. You can listen to it anytime or before/after the yin yoga practice below.
So this month I ask you to:
Focus on a time for daily relaxation to support your hormone balance.
Be kind to yourself daily. This moon cycle reminds us to keep our hearts open and find forgiveness for ourselves & others. Things might be uncomfortable but if we re-connect with the Goddess Lakshmi (easy with this heart opening yin yoga practice) we may be able to find the courage to light up the darkness, relax and create kindness to enable global and self healing.
Thank you Abra Willis from for sharing this wonderful heart opening practice with us.
Would you like to join us for yoga in Ibiza in 2021?
Bonus yoga nidra track!
Justine Evans ND – refers to herself as a Hormone Alchemist. She connects life with natural cycles and seasons, integrating Western science with traditional medicine and yogic philosophy. A Registered Naturopath, Nutritional therapist, Reiki Master/ Teacher, Justine runs a private hormone health and fertility clinic in Surrey, London and Gloucestershire. or phone 07747 133170 to arrange an online or clinic appointment
[…] The importance of relaxation […]
[…] The importance of relaxation […]