Post Christmas Cleanse

Post Christmas cleanse

Begins Friday January 10th 2025 for 7 days. It’s time to give  your digestive system a reboot! Who doesn’t want their colon to feel like it just had a spa day?

post christmas cleanse

January is the season to nurture with warming foods to CLEANSE YOUR COLON.  This is the time to reset your digestive health, re-connect with Mother Nature,  nourish your whole being with seasonal foods and lose that bloating, uncomfortable feeling.

Mother Nature and the darker days of winter provides a period of quiet and going within.  She encourages us to focus on nurturing seeds of  new beginnings.   So this post Christmas cleanse invites a short pause – 7  whole days to explore self care and nourishment focusing on  natural seasonal foods whilst encouraging  creativity to flow as your equilibrium returns, enabling intentions to  emerge and your colon to cleanse.  Through this gentle nurturing approach you will easily release toxins encouraging a gut and hormone reset.

Post Christmas Cleanse begins Friday January 10th for 7 days.  Join here for only £100.00

What’s included in my post Christmas cleanse?

In a nutshell:

Seasonal Wellbeing:  This gentle cleanse  includes real food;  encouraging  healthy digestion and bowel health. Yes, we are whipping  up some delicious dishes that will make your taste buds dance and your colon sing. I provide easy to cook warming, seasonal recipes plus a shopping list.  It’s facilitated by me, a Registered naturopath and experienced nutritional therapist (B.Sc) to help re-set your gut.

Hair analysis – Let’s take a peek under the hood! This cleanse includes assessing your gut health  using profiling for digestive and metabolic imbalances. All you need to do is ensure you have sent me some of your hair in time!  This health screening is worth £150 alone!

EFT – This year I am collaborating with Zoe Collins – introducing EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to support your gut health. Zoe will be showing you how to tap away your colon-related stress—because it’s not just what you eat, but also what you think and are holding onto!

A Wisewoman Box: Unbox a treasure trove of herbal goodies and personalised  homeotoxicology/Spagyric remedies including your own personal affirmation and other mystery products.  Let me introduce you to DIY solutions that are so natural and toxic free Mother Nature give them a thumbs up!

There are also 4 zoom group meetings for guidance; online mentorship and  support. 

Outcomes: Leave feeling lighter, both physically and emotionally, equipped with tools to keep your colon happy and healthy. Let’s get those guts giggling!

Join my post Christmas cleanse here 

winter cleanse 2024

If you  can’t join my post Christmas cleanse how else can you support yourself? 

Sign up for a personalised nutrition programme – online or attend my clinic in Stroud, Gloucestershire or Twickenham, Greater London.

Treat yourself to a Signature body treatment or healing session 

Immerse yourself into a year of intuitive living with my 13 moons wellness programme 

or maybe you would be interested in attending my Reflect and grow – tarot guidance workshop.

If you are not yet ready for any of the above then here are some simple tips:

Reduce and then eliminate caffeine.  Embrace “no-alcohol”. Increase your fluid intake – plenty of fresh filtered water, warming soups and lemon and ginger or turmeric herbal teas.

Eat regularly, using seasonal produce and don’t forget that a third of each meal should offer a lean protein source to reduce sugar cravings and balance energy levels. Maintain variety in your diet – rotate foods.  Have at least 1 vegetarian day per week and 1 vegan day per week

Eat Seasonal food: Two thirds of your plate should include a variety of these foods:  Beetroot, Brussel Sprouts, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chicory, horseradish, Jerusalem artichoke, kale, leeks, parsnips, potatoes, kohlrabi, salsify, shallots, swede, turnips, truffles, wild mushrooms, purple sprouting broccoli, watercress, seaweed, cabbage,

A third of your plate should include a protein source: think nuts, eggs, seeds, lentils and pulses.

If you are a meat eater you may choose duck, goose, grouse, guinea fowl, hare, chicken, partridge, turkey, venison or if you are pescatarian then clams, cockles, cod, dab, dover sole, gurnard, haddock, halibut, hake, langoustine, lemon sole, lobster, mackerel, monkfish, mussels, oysters, red mullet, scallops, crab, sea bream, skate, turbot, winkles, salmon, lemon sole, dover sole, dab, gurnard, halibut, hake, salmon, trout are all in season.

Include fruit – but no more than 2 pieces per day: apples, clementines, satsumas, tangerines, oranges, lemons, limes, bananas passion fruit and pear, pineapple, pomegranate, dates

Remember the cold pressed oils: Coconut oil, rice bran oil, flaxseed oil, avocado oil, olive oil, seeds and nuts

Include spices and roots : ginger root, turmeric, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, chilli, garlic

Disclaimer:  This article is meant for general information only and  should not be construed as advice or recommendation. The suggestions do not take into account whether you a pregnant or trying to conceive, taking any medication, are diabetic, suffer with food sensitivities or allergies or any other health issue. Naturopathic consultations and assessment are recommended on an individual basis and it is important to speak with a health professional before changing your diet.

Justine Evans ND Hormone Alchemist and  Seasonal Wellbeing Expert. 

  Justine offers a multi-dimensional approach to hormone health, blending western nutritional science with traditional alchemy and wisewoman philosophy.  She considers 21st century stress factors, diet and lifestyle together with past and present health before offering bespoke personalised seasonal  wellbeing programmes just right for you.