Traditional autumn remedies
By Justine |
When I sat down to write this I decided that I would consider traditional autumn remedies from a slightly different perspective. First of all, I love the autumn colours - the many shades of green, ...
Lakshmi and Tulsi support reproductive health
By Justine |
Lakshmi and Tulsi support reproductive health This month we link with Lakshmi the beautiful Hindu goddess of prosperity, love, fertility and spiritual abundance. We also link with card 23. organic foods (please follow the link ...
Summer foods for happy hormones
By Justine |
Summer foods for happy hormones Over the next moon cycle I am helping you re-boot your hormones by following NATURE as suggested by the cards PACHAMAMMA and PROTECT from the creation fertility toolkit. Today I ...
fertility adaptogens
By Justine |
3 fertility adaptogens - Ashwaganda, Reishi and Cordyceps Yes, these adaptogens are medicinal mushrooms which are powerhouses and magical wonders of the woodlands and fields. Their balancing and regulating effects help us adapt to stressful ...
So What Are Shiva Lingam’s?
By Justine |
So What Are Shiva Lingam's? Shiva Lingam - Linga (plural, Lingam) In Sanskrit language Shiva Lingam means phallus which gives us an idea as to how they might be associated with reproduction! The Shiva-Lingam ...
Healing power of Agnus castus
By Justine |
The healing power of Agnus Castus Spagyric plant of the month: Vitex Agnus Castus. Also known as Vitex, Monk's pepper, Wild pepper, Chaste Tree, Chasteberry, Chaste lamb tree “Take a stand – find peace and ...
Fertility yoga and womb meditation
By Justine |
Fertility yoga and womb meditation If you are a regular reader of #fertility inspiration you know I am a fertility expert (aka fertility doula) using natural traditional medicine (naturaopthy) to help you become baby-ready. Being ...
How MLD (lymphatic massage) supports your fertility
By Justine |
How MLD (lymphatic) massage supports your fertility This week I am talking about an AMAZING form of massage called Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) and how it can support your fertility, assisted conception procedures, long Covid ...
2 fertility acupressure techniques to try
By Justine |
2 fertility acupressure techniques to try Alongside my naturopathic and nutrition practice I am a great believer in complementary therapies. These include acupressure and reflexology (which is a form of acupressure) to support your conception. ...
Call upon Lord Shiva to help fertility
By Justine |
Call upon Lord Shiva, Shakti and Jasmine to help fertility This month, under the new moon energy I draw the Creation Fertility guidance cards to encourage a positive mindset and support your fertility and reproductive ...
Fertility superfoods
By Justine |
Fertility Superfoods . These natural foods are charged with antioxidants, vitality and seasonal health to support your fertility journey. I refer to this "vitality" as Life Force or “prana” - the living energy that encourages ...
Celebrate imbolc as a fertility festival
By Justine |
Celebrate imbolc as a fertility festival 2023 in numerology terms is considered “7 energy”. This means that it connects with the crown – this being Divine Light" or Crown energy. Personally, I believe 2023 is ...