Health Tip No 4
OK – so far we have implemented great health strategies – skin brushing, drinking a glass of lemon juice in hot water daily and being grateful. So this week lets consider exercise!
Naturopathic exercise means being active – our bodies function more effectively and efficiently when we move! Here are some ideas:
1) Walking – 10,000 steps per day. Buy a pedometer and see how many steps you do a day! 10,000 steps may sound like a huge amount but here are some ideas to help you. a)Get off the bus early and walk the rest of the way home or to work. b) Cook fresh, healthy food as often as you can. You’ll walk more around the kitchen while you prepare it. c) Walk to the station instead of taking the car or bus. d) Invest in a ‘sholley’ or shopping trolley and shop locally if you can. e)Walk the children to school, whatever the weather. f) When you’re at a loose end at home, and thinking of a cup of tea and a biscuit, go out for a walk instead. g) Walk the dog or find a walking partner so you have someone to chat to as you walk. h) Finally get an iPod or download music to your phone and listen to your favourite tracks or podcasts as you go.
2) Re-bounding – also known as trampetting and is great fun. These mini- trampolines can be purchased from many sports shops. It can be quite exhausting so I ecommend a jump and dance on the re-bounder to some uplifting songs for about 5 minutes per day, working up to 15-20 minutes as you feel able. Re-bounding is guaranteed to put a smile on your face whilst boosting the lymphatic system!
3) Yoga and Pilates – excellent form of exercise and stress management. Some Yoga forms are quite intensive – so choose carefully!
4) Swimming – good all round exercise.
5) Dancing/Zumba/Salsa/Jiving/Ballroom Dancing – Really uplifting and great for meeting new people too.
6) Free Apps – there is a plethora of free Apps which you can download to your phone with personal training programmes on – just try one!
7) If you find it really hard to commit to an exercise programme think about doing it for some for charity – Cancer Research offer some suggestions, sponsored walks, runs, swim-athons, skipping etc. offer exercise plans and a variety of races
Disclaimer: This information is for guidance only and should not be construed as anything further. It is important to discuss your personal health with a medical or health care practitioner before embarking on an exercise or health programme.