Ever heard of Divine codes?
Ever heard of Divine Codes?
Read on – this is really interesting if you have a “spiritual side”.
I have been blessed to run 2 Divine codes workshops at Awaken the Goddess festival . The 1st was during 2018 and then again in 2020. I am so touched and happy to have met with so many souls who are open to self-healing and interested in the concept of divine codes.
This year I am offering a Zoom workshop on February 21st 2021 between 5pm-7pm. Only £25.00
It is not essential to have attended a divine codes workshop before! You just need to be open to energy and interested in working with it.
During the workshop I shall be:
Sharing many divine codes with you
Inviting you to:
Programme crystals, therapy tools and sound instruments with divine codes
Use divine codes to clear stagnant energy within homes, gardens, the environment and other areas.
Use divine codes to clear chakras, the aura and the Earth to clear past energy and rebalance
Show you how to make your own divine code energy remedies using moon energy.
To register for this event please email contact@justineevans.co.uk
What are Divine codes?
Put simply they are a form of quantum healing using intention and numerical sequence vibration connected with pure heart energy. (quantum healing is a connection with consciousness i.e. everything is connected). From reading transcript channellings it appears they originated from “ Source/Divine Mother and AA Raphael” gifted them as a form of healing medicine to the Lemurians and Atlantis. Obviously health disorders have evolved so new codes have been gifted via channelling and also alternative numerical systems developed. By the way, this is a painting of The Divine Mother by Sam Foreman who is an amazing spiritual artist. You can buy Goddess greetings card or prints at our Etsy shop
How did we find out about Divine codes?
My understanding is that Marc Gamma and Isabel Henn brought them to public awareness during 2012 although I was first introduced to them by a lovely healing friend. Since connecting I have imprinted them into my nutritional therapy protocols, Spagyric remedies and my healing practice.
If you are interested then please read more of this blog, watch my video and
Download the Divine Codes from – 2020.
download the Spiritual Codes I shared at 2018 workshop.
come and see me for a treatment!
Using Divine codes
I believe health and well-being depends on a harmonic functioning of our physical, emotional and spiritual health. “The 3 treasures”. In my 23 years experience as a natural health practitioner not a day goes by within clinic without me being reminded that all physical health disorders seem to originate from an emotion (conscious or unconscious – past or present). They can even be related to ancestory/genetics/ or even past life. You may find it easier to understand this from Chinese medicine.
The Nei Jing states “It is known that all disease arise from the upset of Qi”
So this blogs intention is to introduce the concept of Divine codes. I invite you to dive deep, experiment and see if they help you self-heal. Just be open and use them with pure intention. As my expertise relates to nutrition and hormone health the workshop notes and Divine Codes – 2020. notes include specific hormone balancing divine codes associated with plants (such as ginseng) and other herbs/foods/nutrients to support hormone well being together with emotional, physical and spiritual divine codes. The 2018 notes also include a meridians table to introduce how organs can be associated with physical symptoms and emotions.
For more information on divine codes:
print the Awakening Spiritual Codes notes or Divine Codes – 2020.
Please feel free to connect with me on Facebook or Instagram where I often share divine codes!
Justine Evans ND is a Hormone Alchemist and intuitive healer. Working with the the moon, cycles and seasons she supports hormone health with nutritional medicine and traditional healing methods. Call her on 07747 133170 to book an appointment now.
Disclaimer: This article has been written as personal opinion and guidance only and should not be construed as medical advice. I am not a medical doctor.