What is Naturopathic wellbeing? To me it describes an approach to health. It consider "the bodymind" – that is your whole being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are all different and each of us has individual needs and nutrient requirements – once they are recognised imbalances to lifestyle and dietary intake can be addressed and well-being restored. Using a variety of different assessment methods, including nutritional therapy, functional medicine and Asyra Health Screening I combine Western science with traditional healing methods.
I consider:
- 21st century stress factors – including work/life balance, lack of laughter, emotional and mental exhaustion, environmental and physical toxins together
Seasonal health – how this impacts on your health. I include seasonal health programmes, workshops and retreats alongside my usual nutritional therapy programmes and therapies to integrate this approach
- Metaphysical health – how emotions affect you physically
- The use of orthodox medication and functional evaluation – use of prescriptive medication, analysis of blood tests, stool analysis, hormonal profiles
- Your diet and lifestyle, Your presenting symptoms and past health.
To make an on line appointment or in person at my clinics in Twickenham or Stroud or to join one of my events or courses please call me
Justine Evans ND, Hormone Alchemist and Seasonal Wellbeing Expert on 07747 133170
Justine Evans ND BSc Nut.Med – Hormone alchemist, Seasonal Wellbeing expert and founder of Creation Fertility offers a multi-dimensional approach to health, blending western nutritional science with traditional alchemy and yogic philosophy