Christmas Special – Spagyric Energy Remedy


Open Doors with this personalised Spagyric Energy Essence. Christmas Special

Open Doors with this personalised Spagyric Energy Essence. Christmas Special

Christmas Special with Justine Evans ND  Spagyric Energy Remedy “Open Sesame”  

Spagyric Energy Essences are an evolutionary and alchemical blend of natural medicine which incorporate homeopathy  (also known as bio-regulatory medicine), herbal therapy, TCM, flower essences and aromatherapy.  This particular form of Spagyric’s are produced by a company called Phylak based in Switzerland where they are distilled and blended to offer emotional, physical and spiritual vibrational support.  It seemed ideal to offer this personalised Energy Remedy throughout December as 2014 draws to a close and we prepare for 2015 and  New Beginnings.  This Spagyric energy essence has been developed to help you open the doors that have been closed (maybe consciously or unconsciously) and help you reach your potential.  Have you ever wondered why however hard you try some things whether emotional, financial or physical do not materialise for you?

Through blending additional energy essences based on your birth date with the Spagyric Energy Essence this 40 day remedy is personally programmed to work with your unconscious mind and Open the Doors That Have Been Closed to You.  

This remedy is not only good for you personally but makes an amazing and different “Christmas Present” for those you love.  

Costs includes P&P: Liquid (50 ml) £ 25.00 –  take the blend in liquid essence diluted in small amount of water,

Cream Base: (50ml)  £25.00 –  massaged into the body

Vaporiser: (100ml) £33.00 sprayed around your aura for 40 days.

All I  need from you is the person’s birth date, their address and name  and notification of what form you want the remedy – i.e. cream, liquid or vaporiser plus payment.  In return you will receive a wonderful personalised 40 day remedy with full instructions as to how to take it.

If you are would like a summary of the personalised energy essence properties and  the vibrational benefits please add an additional £10 to your order.  Offer available until December 31st 2014.

 Telephone Justine Evans ND on 07747 133170   or   Email me contact@ to place your order.