Balancing hormones using herbs

Balancing hormones using herbs

This month I am helping you balance hormones  using the Infinity symbol and including  fresh herbs and flowers from your garden.

The infinity symbol (sometimes called the  lemniscate meaning “ribbon”) is a sacred symbol representing the concept of infinity.  It is contained within our cells and the basic structure of our genes. It is in the double helix of the strands of our DNA, a continuous chain of figures-of-eight.

If you look at the symbol you can see that it is a sideways figure of eight and we draw it as one continuous movement – with no ending or beginning.    It holds the idea of no limitations and infinite possibilities and in this instance BALANCE which is where we are going with this month’s fertility and hormone balancing lifestyle guidance.

Infinity  and continuity; Self-fertilisation; Eternal return; Perfection ; balance, duality; empowerment; everlasting love; Infinite possibilities; wealth and prosperity (Chinese tradition use it in Feng Shui for harmonious living); Eight dynamic (Scientology); equilibrium – similar to yin and yang (India and Tibet). harmony and balance; No end or beginning (Celtic traditions); protection.  From a spiritual perspective, eight is the number linked with power; resurrection; regeneration and symbolizes happiness and paradise.   Watch the video to find out how to use it!

Balancing hormones using herbs

Seasonal foods: Summer 

Veggies: Asparagus, globe artichoke, broccoli, carrots, jersey new potatoes, lettuce and salad leaves, peas, radishes, rocket, spinach, spring onions, watercress, wild nettles, samphire

Fruit: Bananas, kiwi fruit and rhubarb

Herbs: Basil, chervil, chives, coriander, dill, oregano, mint, nasturtium, parsley (curly), rosemary, sage, sorrel, tarragon, dandelions (more about this past the video’s)

Proteins: Lamb, wood pigeon, cod, coley, crab, haddock, langoustine, plaice, prawns, salmon, sardines, sea trout, shrimp, whelks, whitebait

Seasonal trees: Birch – Birch is regarded as a feminine tree and deities associated with Birch are mostly love and fertility goddesses. It is one of the first trees to show its leaf in Spring and causes lots of hayfever issues!  If you suffer with hayfever – the birch may be the problem so consider reducing the oral birch foods in your diet this month – they are Birch pollen: apple, almond, carrot, celery, cherry, hazelnut, kiwi, peach, pear, plum

Lifestyle: Self nurture:  focusing on diet, balancing your lifestyle, using the infinity symbol for stress reduction and healing,  visualisations, being outdoors, dancing, caring for Mother Nature, vagi steams, herbal vinegars, herbal teas and sacred baths

Exercise:  As May is the month of the Maypole I think we all need to dance to encourage hormone balance!  Here are some ideas:  dance to a tune in your house daily – go to a chakra dance or 5 rhythms event – go to a music concert which encourages dance, attend a Zumba class

Here are the video’s for you to watch and  learn more about traditional foods and lifestyle to balance hormones.  Don’t forget to download the Recipes and Inspiration for May 2019

Recipes and Inspiration for May 2019

Balancing hormones using herbs.   Some common herbs during May/June/July include:

Basil: May reduce painful menstruation or  bring on menstruation and great to reduce hormonal stress. Cortisol is the main stress hormone and if it’s out of balance (too high or low), then it can have a huge impact on all your other hormones. So you can either drink Basil tea or add some leaves to your vagisteam or rub a few drops of basil oil against your forearms or against the adrenal gland in your ear. Basil acts as a relaxant and for some helps to reduce anxiety and stress.

Calendula: This cleansing herb is great for activating the lymphatic system. It’s also healing for scars and irritated skin which makes it an ideal option for those who are postpartum or after prolapse surgery.

Lavender: Known for calming the mind, lavender also helps calm the body, reducing inflammation and nourishing the nervous system. This is another herb that can be used daily in tea.

Mint: Perhaps most well-known for its powerful stomach-soothing properties, mint can support hormone imbalances – in particular spearmint and peppermint.  So if you suffer with PCOS then spearmint herbal tea or  including it in your vagi-steam can reduce oestrogen or testosterone imbalances.  Also fabulous for bacterial issues.

Mugwort: One of the most commonly used herbs during vaginal steaming, mugwort is very helpful in balancing female hormones.  It promotes circulation and can help bring on your period. Its antifungal properties also help maintain uterine health and protect against uterine ulcers etc.

Nettles: This mineral-rich herb helps reduce stress, calms inflammation and is a powerful uterine tonic plus helps reduce fluid retention during the moon cycle.  It aids in strengthening bones and nourishing the adrenals.  So add to your vagi-steam, eat in soup or drink!

Parsley: The impressive health benefits of parsley which include phenolic compounds, antioxidant flavonoids, and various nutrients like vitamins K, C and A make it an all-natural and safe plant to include in your diet. It’s a free radical scavenger, hormone balancer, heart protector, brain protector, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antifungal, and even a digestion soother plus it helps regulate bowel movements and decreases bloating. Excellent for PMS, fertility and urinary tract disorders, the liver, pancreas and kidneys.  Drink daily or add a handful to your vagi-steam!

Red raspberry: This herb is helpful in toning uterine muscles, calming cramps, normalizing menstrual blood flow and can aid fertility. You can also drink red raspberry tea as part of your daily routine.

Rose hip: This can help ease constipation sometimes associated with a woman’s cycle. It’s also a great source of vitamin C and helps reduce stress in the body so suitable for everyone.

Rosemary: Steaming with rosemary helps increases circulation to the pelvis and can assist in clearing out old blood and fluids that have built up along the uterine wall.

Rose petals: Both relaxing and uplifting, this herb is said to help release stuck emotions that can burrow into any part of our body (including the uterus).

Sage: Another great herb for  menopause and other oestrogen imbalances is sage. It has been used since Medieval time and has amazing effects.  Don’t use if you are pregnant unless it’s time for birth but otherwise you can add a handful of sage leaves to your vagisteam or drink as a tea to support menopausal flushes, menstrual cramps,  and encourage a healthy endometrium lining..

Yarrow: This herb can relieve painful cramps associated with hormones. Along with its cleansing and antibacterial properties, this powerful herb is very helpful for those with heavy menstrual bleeding.



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Hormone Alchemist and Fertility ExpertJustine Evans ND is a Hormone Alchemist & fertility doula. She is a fully qualified nutritional therapist and registered naturopath (ND). Passionate about female health  Justine integrates a mind/body approach to  reproductive wellbeing.  Justine can be contacted on 07747 133170 or follow her on facebook or instagram

Disclaimer: This article has been written as personal opinion and guidance only and should not be construed as medical advice.  I am not a medical doctor.