Autumn intentions

Autumn Intentions

Yes it’s time to set autumn intentions with the September new moon. Here’s my video if you don’t have much time (it’s only 11 minutes) otherwise keep reading!

Our autumn intentions are really simple – we are focusing on  THE most important aspect of our lives –which  is  harder  to  do than say- love

As Rebekah Shaman says

“We live in a reality based on duality, where there has to be a polar opposite (light/dark, war/peace, fear/love, male/female, negative/positive, etc) but most of us have been programmed to only see the negative perspective and be a victim of life”

She is right but we, as humans, have the ability to change our mind set whenever we choose. We just need to want to do it and work at it.  This was the over-riding  theme I felt as I connected with new moon energy whilst travelling home from my annual holidays.  Isn’t it interesting how everything becomes clearer and more simple when you step out of the ordinary – dis-connect from social media for a while and re-connect with your true sense?  Anyway, I digress!  As I was travelling I did not have my oracle cards with me but I sensed “self love”  was high on the agenda –  that unconditional love that we rarely connect with but is deep and has no bounds. I had a sense that this month it is time to re-connect and treat ourselves and our planet as we would like to be treated.  Once I returned home (some hours later) I once  again  connected with the moon energy within my monthly meditation group. Once more this sense of unconditional love came through with its depth that has no bounds.  By now, to be honest, I had already recognised the focus for this month BUT as I prepared my clinic space on Sunday I decided to draw the cards anyway………..GUESS WHAT?  Yes – the card I drew was number 2  in the oracle pack – LOVE!

Autumn Intentions

  1. Autumn intentions – sow the seeds for transformation

    autumn intentions - spleen cleanseThe Libra new moon always comes around the Autumn Equinox, a time of balance in both hemispheres, when light and dark are of equal length. It also represents justice and its symbol is the scales, the only inanimate symbol of the zodiac. This is the time to focus on returning to balance and self-nourishment to help sow the seeds for transformation.


2. Autumn intentions – say something positive to yourself daily

This month we are all about LOVE.  Yes, it’s time to stop saying negative things about yourself.  You are who you are and your  thoughts, hormones and  reproductive cycles all influence your mental; physical and spiritual being.   Some months ago I  invited you to  try a smile within meditation so  give it a go  before completing this self reflective questionnaire. Go on –  make a promise to make a positive affirmation daily from now on.

Self reflective questions:

How often do you say “negative things to yourself or about yourself or your reproductive organs or health?”.  Be honest……I bet it is more than you would like to admit to – probably daily. 

Is your default mechanism about your fertility journey;  reproductive health, body image or ability negative? 

When was the last time you said something good to yourself about yourself?

How do you feel about saying something positive about you to yourself daily? 

Now write a list of at least 10 positive strengths about yourself and make them into short sayings right now.  Here are some suggestions to help you.

Possible positive affirmations:

I am blessed with love;  I live in harmony;  Good morning – today is a good day; I am healthy.  I am blessed with love.  Every day offers new beginnings.  My sense of humour is an asset.  I have beautiful teeth.  I am perfect just as I am .  I nourish my body daily.  I enjoy being fit. I sleep well. I am unique.  I love you. You look radiant today. I am strong.  I love myself for who I am.

You can repeat your affirmation using a mala.  Don’t forget to wear it on your left side to receive that positive energy! Simply repeat your affirmation 21 times daily using the “new beginnings” crystal beads on the bracelet. Alternatively make a list of positive affirmations and write them up individually.  Now place them in a jar and pull one our daily! 

3. Autumn intentions – greet the day

I suggest you watch my video to see how to do this but really it’s super easy.  Just stand upright to begin and ground yourself.  Let your shoulders drop and keep your spine straight.  Your arms lie to your side.  This is basically mountain pose (see illustration below).




When you feel grounded  and have spent a few moments connecting with yourself raise your arms above your head as it you are holding the

moon (nurturing love – excellent  when feeling emotional, sensitive, vulnerable, have poor sleeping habits or nightmares, PMT, menstrual, menopausal,  needing some moon beam energy, wishing to express with compassion and care)

Sun (dynamic energy – use when requiring  vitality, dynamism and strength to achieve something such as the start of a project,  when you are worrying or feeling anxious, when low in vitality and suffering with fatigue or preparing for an important meeting, a new chapter in your life such as an interview or date!)

A ball ( you can imagine this when you would like to see the “bigger picture” or when connecting with a desire/outcome which you would like to see manifesting or completed using the law of attraction,  or maybe you would like to visualise your ovaries as healthy and strong or a fertilised egg if you are trying for a baby)

Notice that this position is similar to the cup of a goblet/chalice and your body the stem of the cup.  Imagine that the cup is full of the positive energy which comes down through you.  If you lift your head; looking slightly upwards  and backwards you can imagine that you are drinking/absorbing that energy.  Breathe deeply for 3 counts inhaling this energy. Now return your arms to your sides and begin your day or repeat the process 3 times.

 4. Autumn intentions – give yourself a hug daily

This is a totally awesome self-hug and fabulous when completing the self reflective questions or after your daily positive affirmation and daily yoga pose.

Oxytocin is a chemical in our bodies that scientists sometimes call the “cuddle hormone.” This is because its levels rise when we hug, touch, or sit close to someone else. Oxytocin is associated with happiness and less stress and research indicates it has a strong effect in women.

In an article entitled, How Hugs Heal by Dr. Mercola  shares these  benefits of hugging.

*A 20-second hug reduces the harmful physical effects of stress, including its impact on your blood pressure and heart rate
*A 10-second hug a day may fight infections, boost your immune system, ease depression and lessen fatigue
*The giver of a hug receives just as much benefit as the receiver, but some research suggests the healthiest hugs must come from someone you trust (like yourself!!!)

 It is time to bring ourselves to that empowered place to love ourselves.  This takes practice and it may take time but hugging yourself will lessen feelings of anxiety while benefiting your physical and emotional body.


5. Autumn nutrient – Reishi

Consider using Reishi mushrooms to support your  hormone and immune health – I will be writing more about it this magical  medicinal mushroom in it’s own blog soon but here are 10 reasons to use it!

  • Reishi is a form of medicinal mushroom which has amazing detoxifying effects with pu­rifying effects on blood.
  • Reishi supports the stomach, spleen, lung, liver, kidney and heart so one of my go-to products for oestrogen imbalances and virals! Wow, that’s impressive
  • Reishi is a powerful adaptogen so fabulous for stress related health issues
  • It is full of antioxidants so anti-ageing and helps immunity too
  • Soothes and nourishes the heart and has been used to support cardiovascular and hypertension
  • is a potent stimulator of natural killer cell activity so great for immunity and auto immunity fertility issues
  • eases the mind; serves as tonic and a sedative so excellent for stress related symptoms and cyclic hormonal disturbances
  • studies indicate is has anti androgenic effects so helpful if you suffer with PCOS,  unwanted hair growth or testosterone
  • counteracts inflammations and useful support for gastrointestinal and digestive disturbances including IBD and IBS

Disclaimer: Adaptogenic herbs are generally safe ,  can ease symptoms and improve quality of life.  Having said that  I am a great believer in personalised nutrition so please accept this article as my opinion only and my comments do not take into account any medication, fertility treatment or other needs you may have.  Herbs are powerful and should only be part of your stress-reduction and hormone-balancing strategy after you’ve addressed some of the bigger lifestyle factors that drive your fertility issues e.g. worry, anxiety, sleep deprivation, exposure to  toxins and being out of touch with your natural hormone cycle.

If you have enjoyed this article then please read some of these:

Forgiveness and mistletoe

Iodine and hormone health

Can bees help hormones?

Autumn cleanse

Mindfulness to support hormones

Justine Evans ND – Hormone Alchemist is the founder of Wisewoman, Creation Fertility and it’s products.  She connects life with natural cycles and seasons, integrating Western science with traditional medicine and yogic philosophy. A Registered Naturopath, Nutritional therapist, Reiki Master/ Teacher, Justine connects with Nature Spirituality and runs a private hormone health  clinic in Surrey, London, online and in Stroud, Gloucestershire.